제목[프로모션] Capital One 체킹 어카운트 오픈 $400 보너스2020-12-07 17:30

Capital One 체킹 어카운트 오픈하고, 60일 이내에 2번 direct deposits(총 $1,000 이상) 하면 $400 보너스를 받습니다. 

Monthly maintenance fee도 없으니 그냥 Secondary Checking Account로 유지해도 괜찮을 것 같네요. 저는 현재 Checkbook을 거의 다 사용해서 어카운트 오픈 후에 무료로 Checkbook도 오더 했습니다.

위의 이미지 클릭해서 어카운트 오픈할 때 꼭 프로모션 코드 "BONUS400" 입력하시구요. Innitial fund transfer 하는 화면인가에 프로모션 코드 입력하는 곳이 있었던 것 같네요.

Here’s the full scoop on how to earn your $400 bonus:

  1. Open a 360 Checking account between 12:00 a.m. ET on November 9, 2020, and 11:59 p.m. ET on January 26, 2021. When you open your account, enter your promotional code—BONUS400.

  2. Receive at least 2 direct deposits totaling $1,000 or more to your 360 Checking account within 60 days of account opening. A qualifying direct deposit is an Automated Clearing House (ACH) credit, which may include payroll, pension or government payments (such as Social Security) by your employer or an outside institution.

  3. This account is subject to approval. This offer cannot be combined with any other 360 Checking account opening offers. Only one promotional code is accepted. Bonus is only valid for one new 360 Checking account.

  4. If you have or had an open 360 Checking account as a primary or secondary account holder with Capital One on or after January 1, 2018, you will be ineligible for the bonus. If your account is in default, closed or suspended, or otherwise not in good standing, you will not receive the bonus.

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